Installing Nagios RPM

Jim Perrin jperrin at
Wed Jan 4 18:54:32 CET 2006

On 1/4/06, Salman Usmani <ms_usmani at> wrote:
> Doing "rpm -q nagios" shows "nagios-1.2-2.1.el3.rf"
> How do I remove that?
> Doing "rpm -e nagios"
> Shows:
> error reading information on service nagios: No such file or directory
> error: %preun(nagios-1.2-2.1.el3.rf) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Most likely this is the uninstall script that tries to shut nagios
down before it uninstalls the rpm. If you have another nagios
installed and running (say the one you had built and started off with)
then it can't kill it. Stop your nagios service, then do rpm -e nagios

Jim Perrin
System Architect - UIT
Ft Gordon & US Army Signal Center

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