How do I 'except' or 'negate' a regex host_name in a service definition?

jeff vier boinger at
Thu Oct 27 18:49:13 CEST 2005

I want to split off a group of similarly named hosts to a separate
service from a more global check.

Here's the "normal" (working) regex line:
host_name                       ^chi-[a-z0-9]*-sim-[0-9]$ do I define "not those" in the associated global check?

I've tried the usual '!' before the host_name regex string.
I've tried !(regex).
I've tried dropping the ^$ and appending a !.
I can't use a negated regex, because then I'd be grabbing all sorts of
hosts I don't want in there (there are additional hostgroup_name
definitions in the service def.

Any ideas?

This is in Nagios 2.0b4, if that matters.

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