Vedr.: Critical and warnings values for a snmp check

Thomas Jens Lauritsen tjl at
Mon Nov 21 13:04:40 CET 2005

Hi Angel,

I would write a bash plugin script to solve the problem if I were in your

You should need a working snmp installation to get it running.


|         |           "Angel L. Mateo"             |
|         |           <amateo at>               |
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|         |           21-11-2005 12:41             |
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  |       Til:      nagios-users at                                                           |
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  |       Vedr.:    [Nagios-users] Critical and warnings values for a snmp check                                 |

Hello all,

             I have been using nagios for a long time, but now is the first
time I
want to make something not usual (at least, for me).

             I want to check system healthy for some of my dell servers ask
them for
the status by snmp. The check I run answers me the values:

1 -> other
2 -> unknown
3 -> ok
4 -> nonCriticalUpper
5 -> criticalUpper
6 -> nonRecoverableUpper
7 -> nonCriticalLower
8 -> criticalLower
9 -> nonRecoverableLower
10 -> failed

             so I want that my nagios check (I run it with the check_snmp
answer me "OK" for the value 3, "WARNING" for 1, 2, 4 and 7 and
"CRITICAL" for the rest.

             So, how do I have to configure the -w and -c options for the

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información     _o)
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)    / \\                  _(___V
Tfo: 968367590
Fax: 968398337

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