nrpe ver. 2 on AIX 5.2

Ayotunde Itayemi aitayemi at
Fri Nov 4 21:40:19 CET 2005


Did you compile it yourself?


I was getting the same message yesterday and for the life of me I can't
remember how I solved it.

But let me just take you through my compile

Running as user/group nagios/nagios

I installed under /nagios but you can modify to suit yourself


installing NRPE and nagios plugin (without ssl)

extract nrpe archive nrpe-2.0b4.tar.gz

gunzip nrpe-2.0b4.tar.gz

tar -xvf nrpe-2.0b4.tar

cd nrpe-2.0b4

install NRPE by:


./configure --enable-command-args --disable-ssl

make all


mkdir -p /nagios/sbin

cp src/nrpe src/check_nrpe /nagios/sbin

mkdir -p /nagios/etc

cp -p nrpe.cfg /nagios/etc/



edit nrpe.cfg as required



Installing NAGIOS plugins



Unarchive nagios-plugins-HEAD-200510261647.tar.gz

gunzip nagios-plugins-HEAD-200510261647.tar.gz

tar -xvf nagios-plugins-HEAD-200510261647.tar

cd nagios-plugins-HEAD-200510261647

./configure --without-ssl



copy all executables to your preferred directory e.g., /nagios/libexec

cd plugins

find ./ -type f -perm 644 -exec cp {} /nagios/libexec \;



start nrpe with command similar to

/nagios/sbin/nrpe -d -c /nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg



You may have to edit nrpe.cfg especially if running it standalone



Sample commands that you may put in your nrpe.cfg to test with


command[check_disk1]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p /dev/hd4

command[check_disk2]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p /dev/hd2

command[check_disk3]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p

command[check_disk4]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p /dev/hd3

command[check_disk5]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p /dev/hd1

command[check_disk6]=/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p

command[check_users]=/nagios/libexec/check_users -w 5 -c 10

command[check_load]=/nagios/libexec/check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20

command[check_zombie_procs]=/nagios/libexec/check_procs -w 5 -c 10 -s Z

command[check_total_procs]=/nagios/libexec/check_procs -w 150 -c 200


(remember to restart nrpe if you edit its config file)


Test from the command line after starting nrpe (you should get replies):

/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20 -c 10 -p /dev/hd4

/nagios/libexec/check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20



Let me know if there are any issues. Wrote all these in a hurry :-)




From: nagios-users-admin at
[mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of Rudy
Sent: 04 November 2005 18:20
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] nrpe ver. 2 on AIX 5.2




I have Nagios and nrpe running on both HP and Sun systems; however I can
not get the nrpe daemon on AIX to work at all. Here is a little info on
what I'm using:


AIX oslevel

NRPE Version: 2.0b5


On AIX system:

netstat -a | grep 5666

tcp4       0      0  *.5666                 *.*


When I try the check_nrpe from my HP system where I have Nagios running
to the AIX system I get the following:

CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon.  Check the remote server logs
for error messages.


I have nrpe ruuning as a standalone daemon on the AIX system:

ps -ef | grep nrpe

     www 258078      1   0 10:39:44      -  0:00
/usr/local/nagios/nrpe-2.0/bin/nrpe.old -c
/usr/local/nagios/nrpe-2.0/nrpe.cfg -d


Any help to get this going would be appreciated. Thanks.


Rudy Montemayor 
Sr. Unix System Admin 
Hunt Oil Company 


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