SV: Nagios 2.0 stable

Jeff McCune mccune at
Wed Mar 23 23:41:25 CET 2005

 >On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 11:39 +0100, Bergström Sebastian wrote:
 >> I realise that my question is unclear. I"m refering to the fact that
 >> 2.0 still is in beta. We are running v.1.2 currently and are
 >> interested in the v.2.0. I"m wondering if anyone has an idea of how
 >> much time it might take before 2.0 can go into a stable (non-beta)
 >> state. Any idea?
 > To put it bluntly: Who Cares?

I do.  I think it's possible I'm not the only one.

 > There are so many of us running it in production (I, myself, have been
 > doing so since "alpha"), isn"t that good enough?

I'm curious how the release of bacula 2.0 relates to your choice to use 
alpha software in a production environment?

 > There will always be bugs, no matter what you call it (alpha, beta,
 > pr, rc, gold, etc).

I'd like to quote

beta software
      n : pre-release software that has received an alpha test but
          still has more bugs than a regular release; "beta
          software is usually available only to particular users
          who will test it"

 > In my, and I"m sure many others", experience, super-pre-double-alpha
 > code from a nice community-supported project like this is still going
 > to have less bugs than anything similar from Microsoft no matter how
 > many "final" versions they have.

How does estimating the release of version 2.0 will be released?

Have you considered the possibility that people have different 
experiences than you?  You don't think it's possible that there are 
people who prefer not to run beta software in production environments.

 > And if something major does come up, there"s usually a fix/work-around
 > in a few hours or days, not weeks or months.

What about the problem of certain mailing list contributors missing the 
boat entirely in response to a perfectly reasonable question?  Could you 
please fix/work-around that problem in a few hours or days?

 > So, just run it. If you don"t like it, I"ll buy you a coke.

I have no comment about that remark...

Jeff McCune
OSU Department of Mathematics System Support
(614) 292-4962
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