Agentless Windows monitors

Glenn Meisenheimer gmeisenheimer at
Wed Mar 23 18:40:10 CET 2005

Hi Andreas				

I can tell you that when you use these scripts you don't need to
 install ANYTHING on the remote hosts - providing that you are using
 Win2k or something more recent.  This is because WMI is an integral
 part of Windows these days, and these scripts query WMI for the
 same classes of information that are used to populate perfmon.

Authentication?  We don't need no stinking authentication as long
 as the proxy server (the server running nrpe-nt and hosting these
 scripts) has the same Administrator login as the remote hosts.
  If that isn't the case, you need to call the scripts using the
 -user and -pass command line options in order to authenticate on
 the remote machine.  These can be handled the same as any other
 password in nagios - using resources.cfg and the $USERn$ macros.

Also, it is possible to set up a user account on a remote machine
 which permits nagios to access WMI but does not permit an actual
 login to the remote windows server.

Andreas, I don't expect these scripts to be the be-all and end-all,
 but they do demonstrate a method for using scripts to perform agentless
 monitoring of one's Windows infrastructure.  I am hoping that they
 will serve as a starting place for further script development.
  I already have need for more of these, and the fact that they
 are scripted makes it easy to roll your own.

Now to procede?  Here is documentation on the WMI classes available:

And here is a primer on WMI scripting:

And, of course... You could always contact Pham Van Hung in Vietnam
 who wrote these.  He is credited in the header, and is an affordable
 resource, and great guy.

- Glenn Meisenheimer (gmcookie)


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