Vedr.: Smart CPU monitor for Unix?

Thomas Jens Lauritsen tjl at
Mon Jun 27 21:36:30 CEST 2005

Hi there,

I check our CPU's on some win2000 boxes via SNMP.

I made a script to get all cpu values and then some thresholds.

If the cpu(s) hits 100 % it does not make an alarm at first, but if it hits
100 % during two samples it will - like if a process goes crazy.

Then I have some warning thresholds like 85 to 99 => Warning

If you have some heavy load hours during NOT workinghours you can make a
check_time period called WorkingHours like its called default by Ethan  ...
;- )

Anyway you will have to fiddle with this stuff, and perhaps you will never
make a bulletproof solution - but it gets pretty close..

Best regards


                      "Matt Millard"                                                                                                               
                      <millard.matt at>         Til:      nagios-users at                                            
                      Sendt af:                            cc:                                                                                     
                      nagios-users-admin at lists.sour        Vedr.:    [Nagios-users] Smart CPU monitor for Unix?                                    
                      27-06-2005 18:23                                                                                                             

I'm looking for some sort of smart CPU monitor.  I'd like to have
something that does a baseline of the server CPU utilization for a
given time period (at least a months worth of data).  Then compare the
current CPU utilization to that if it is a specified amount differing
notify.  So say for example that every night for 1 hour I run a system
backup that pegs the CPU at 100% (this is at different times for our
servers), or it could be some month end processing job, or an end of
the week processing job.  I want the monitor to be smart enough to not
send an alert because this is normal system activities.  And obviously
it has to hit this threshold a determined amount of times before it
sends the alert.

What are other people doing for CPU monitoring on Unix systems?  Does
this approach seam reasonable? Sometimes it's OK for it to be utilized,
I just want to know when it's acting odd.  I don't currently do any SNMP
monitoring, but it is in the plans for the future.


Matt Millard| IS Server Administration | 515.248.0033

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