Check disk space NS_Client

Ryan Langseth langseth at
Tue Feb 22 22:15:44 CET 2005

If you do use nrpe_nt, and have some decent scripting language available 
on the server, the size of a directory can be found using "dir /S 
c:\path\to\directory\", and some parsing since it will also print the 
size of each file within the directory, recursively. But the end result 
will be useful:

     Total Files Listed:
            1188 File(s)  2,844,230,018 bytes
             500 Dir(s)   2,968,420,352 bytes free

I may be possible to create a bat file to do it also, but I have no clue 

Henrique Oliveira wrote:

> Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>> Phil Costelloe wrote:
>>> Henrique Oliveira wrote:
>>>> I'm running Nagios 1.2 with Nagmin (DB support) with no problems.
>>>> We have a webserver running multiple sites and we need to know is a
>>>> given site (folder) has reached a certain amount of disk usage.
>>>> Is it possible to monitor directories in a hard-drive, opposed to
>>>> only checking the whole hard-drive?
>>> NSClient uses the standard Windows performance counters and I'm pretty
>>> certain those don't give you information at the directory level, just
>>> at the physical and logical disk level. One way to do it would be with
>>> a custom nrpe_nt script.
>> He. Funny. I was assuming this was on Unix, but come to think of it, 
>> the OS was never mentioned. I assume we work in different networks. ;)
> Well, the disk space I'd like to monitor is on a W2K and running 
> NS_Client.
> Of course the monitoring server is a Linux...

Ryan Langseth
UND Aerospace Systems Team
langseth at

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