Where are the $ARGn$ macros will come from??

matato at pregi.net matato at pregi.net
Mon Feb 14 17:32:20 CET 2005

  I'm a little bit confuse about where the $ARGn$ macros will come from.
for example, I have a service named squid and I used the check_tcp as its
checkcommand.the actual command_line is:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$
Where $ARG1$ must be the port the service is listening on. In my case 3128.

I know that the $HOSTADDRESS$ will automatically be the address of the
host the service belongs to, but how about the $ARG1$. How will I tell
nagios that, "hey, this number "3128" is the $ARG1$, this is the port you
should check for tcp connection". Is it included in any configuration
Any idea?? thanks.

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