Down when it is up

Correo Yahoo luis_alfonso_franco at
Fri Dec 23 22:31:41 CET 2005

Nagios (Ver. 1.2) was just installed to monitor a VPN with 600 ATMs.

ATMs are connected through ISDN and they have a redundant dial-up line.

The problem we have is that some of the ATMs are shown as down but when
pinged the are really up. This happens in the ATMs that for any reason, are
working with the dial-up lines.

Our consultant has stated that there is a bandwidth problem, but it has been
demonstrated that it is not the case.

Reading the documentation it seems to me that the problem is the
configuration. Is there anything we can check?

One ATM has the following parameters:

max_check_attempts 10
Notification_interval 120
Notification_period 24x7
Notification_options d,u,r
Chck_command chec-host-alive


Luis Alfonso Franco Ruiz

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