Setting up a passive check problem

Arno Lehmann al at
Wed Apr 13 00:46:14 CEST 2005


Lewis Getschel wrote:

> Sorry to describe so much and then leave out my actual problem...


> Being an impatient person I've changed my services.cfg a little... now 
> they are:
> services.cfg:
> define service{
>        use                             linux-service
>        name                            ibm_disk_array_status
>        service_description             ibm_disk_array_status
>        active_checks_enabled           0
>        passive_checks_enabled          1
>        check_command                   check_dummy
>        check_freshness                 0
>        register                        0
>        }

Ok, I see that freshness checking is off.
In the configuration.
Now, I'm not sure if this might be set to on in a state file, but if it 
is this might be the problem.

Simply verify that freshness checking is off in the gui, and turn it off 
if necessary.

Unfortunately, I haven't a running nagios at the moment, so I can't give 
the right locations...

> Now, If I understand ...
> the idea of  "active_checks_enabled           0",   means do NOT 
> actually check anything (don't run the command_line defined).
> the idea of  "passive_checks_enabled          1"   means that nagios 
> will only get updates that I put into the  command_file 
> ("/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd") through another script that is 
> called. This much IS working because I see the following line in my 
> event log:
> [04-12-2005 14:57:15] EXTERNAL COMMAND: 
> PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;fs008;ibm_disk_array_status;0;OK - No 
> errors reported
> When I look at the scheduling queue it shows that my service 
> "ibm_disk_array_status" is scheduled to be run!
> fs004    ibm_disk_array_status    04-12-2005 14:34:16    04-12-2005 
> 14:54:16    ENABLED

Well, this might be the result of saved state and scheduling information.

> When I view my fileserver services, it shows:
> fs004 ibm_disk_array_status          OK 04-12-2005 14:34:16 0d 1h 33m 
> 37s 1/4 Status is OK
> The problem is that the "Status is OK" message is coming from the 
> check_dummy command, and it _SHOULD_ be "OK - No errors reported" as my 
> external command shows.
> ------------I've done the following commands:---------------
> $ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios stop
> Stopping network monitor: nagios
> $ ps -ef | grep nagios | grep -v grep
> $ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios start
> Starting network monitor: nagios
>  PID TTY          TIME CMD
> 30767 ?        00:00:00 nagios
> $ ps -ef | grep nagios | grep -v grep
> nagios   30767     1  8 15:05 ?        00:00:00 
> /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
> $
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> So I don't have an extra copy of nagios running.

Always good to check.

Apart from the above hints - good luck :-)


> Here is what I want to happen:
> 1) tell nagios to accept passive results for these 5 servers, display 
> the last known status value it had for the service
> 2) don't perform any active checks for whatever I need to specify as a 
> command
> 3) When my script places a status of OK, or CRITICAL (the only 2 cases), 
> accept that as the new status value, and notify as appropriate 
> until/unless the status is changed or the service is acknowledged.
> 4) repeat
> After all this time, I thought I understood the basic operation of 
> Nagios, but it doesn't seem that I do.
> (If someone has example configs for a passive service, could you please 
> post your file entries so I can see how someone else does it)
> Thanks,
> Marc Powell wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagios-users-admin at [mailto:nagios-users-
>>> admin at] On Behalf Of Lewis Getschel
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:42 AM
>>> To: Nagios Users
>>> Subject: [Nagios-users] Setting up a passive check problem
>>> All-
>>>    After 8 months of tweaking our 1.2 system with active checks (that
>>> work fine), I now find myself at a loss to setup a passive "service
>>> check".
>>> I have 5 file servers in a "farm" that log themselves to a single
>> syslog
>>> file.
>>> I wrote a script that deals with that and can submit the passive
>> result
>>> to Nagios to be processed.
>>> My problem _seems_ to be my understanding of the basic setup for a
>>> passive service check.
>>> The docs say: "...service checks to Nagios, a service must have
>> already
>>> been defined in the object configuration file
>>> <>"
>> This means that when you submit an entry to the command file, there must
>> be a matching host_name and service_description that nagios already
>> knows about or it will be ignored.
>>> What "check_command" does a passive service "need"? (it needs a
>>> command???) I don't want nagios to _DO_ anything, just accept the
>>> passive results from another process.
>>> When I tried to leave a check_command out, nagios complains "... check
>>> command is NULL"
>> As you can see, there must be one defined. What it is depends on if
>> you're going to be using active checks or freshness checking or not. If
>> you are going to be using them then the command must be valid as nagios
>> will actively execute it to determine the state of the service at the
>> expiration of the freshness interval.
>> If you are not using freshness checking than the command can be anything
>> you like. I use the same command that is executed on my distributed
>> servers for consistency but it could be check_dummy or any other command
>> as it will never actually be run.
>>> services.cfg:
>>> define service{
>>>        use                               linux-service
>>>        name                            ibm_disk_array_status
>>>        service_description             ibm_disk_array_status
>>>        active_checks_enabled           0
>>>        passive_checks_enabled          1
>>>        check_command                   check_passive_disklog
>>>        register                        0
>>>        }
>>> commands.cfg:
>>> # 'ibm_disk_array_status' command definition
>>> define command{
>>> command_name    check_passive_disklog
>>> command_line    $USER1$/check_passive_disklog
>>>        }
>>> hosts.cfg:
>>> define service{
>>>     use           ibm_disk_array_status
>>>     host_name     fs004,fs005,fs006,fs007,fs008
>>> }
>> I haven't used this type of construct personally but it looks fine.
>>> Can someone point out where I'm going wrong to simply allow a service
>>> status to be accepted passively, please.
>> Instead of making an assumption about what your problem is, why don't
>> you tell us the symptoms and error messages that you are seeing?
>> -- 
>> Marc
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IT-Service Lehmann                    al at
Arno Lehmann        

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