contacts e-mail and paging

Sean Dilda agrajag at
Thu Sep 2 23:06:39 CEST 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 12:35, Gregg Strickland wrote:
> I currently have nagios set up so that each contact has both a pager and an
> e-mail defined as well as the commands to send to both.  This works and for
> every "event" I get the proper page and e-mail.  The problem is that there
> are some events that are page worthy events and others that are just e-mail
> events.  Do I have to create a different contact for the same person and
> then define in the service who to notify... or is there a way to define at
> the service definition what notification command to use?
> The other problem is that I've been asked by the customer to have e-mail
> alerts 24x7, but only page during certain hours.  Is there a way to do this
> inside nagios?  I was thinking about having the notification command go
> through a script filter that blocks pages depending on the time of day.

I had a similar problem, and ended up doing multiple contacts per
person.  In my case I had several services/hosts that I wanted to be
paged and emailed about.  However, there are some machines that are less
critical, so I only want to be paged by them during work hours, but
emailed no matter what time of day.  So I setup an email contact for
myself that has a 24x7 notification period, a pager contact that has a
business hours notification period, and an emergency pager contact that
has a 24x7 notification period.  I then have a high priority and low
priority contact group, each of which includes the email contact and one
of the pager contacts.

Hope this helps.  Yes its a pain, but that's life.

Another solution would be to write a wrapper script for your notify
commands that wouldn't notify based on time of day.  But I felt that
option was even less elegant.

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