check_log solaris

Luc I. Suryo luc at
Mon Nov 15 17:47:16 CET 2004


not sure.. but mine is a ksh-script, is yours a binary?
if it is a ksh-script you could change GREP to be /usr/bin/egrep and see
if it helps, otherwise debug it

something like : ksh -x check_log .... > debug.out 2>&1
and then check the output in  debug


> Ok guys.  I'm at my wits end here.
> nagios host solaris 9
> monitored host 	solaris 9
> the check_log plugin works..kinda.   if somethig gets logged, it throws 
> an alert.  great.   but it is also throwing errors when there is nothing 
> to alert on.  I think the script isn't handleing a NULL return properly 
> so it thinks there is a problem and then sends out an empty error.
> any thoughts?

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