Webish question

Marc Powell marc at ena.com
Mon Mar 15 17:46:53 CET 2004

On Monday, March 15, 2004 10:21 AM, Robert Stewart shared with us:

> Thanks for the reply...
> I have some servers that for various reasons, I dont want to run a
> web server on. They are all on the same side of the firewall. 
> How would I configure nagios to pass all events to another system?

There are lots of ways depending on your implementation strategy. If you
want to run nagios on the remote machines (and it sounds like you
might), read the documentation on Distributed Monitoring. If you want to
only execute specific plugins then NRPE or check_by_ssh will work. If
the things you want to monitor are exposed through SNMP, then check_snmp
will work.


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