RFE Can hyperlinks be added to comments (if they can't already).

Stanley Hopcroft Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Wed Jul 7 02:02:54 CEST 2004

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Is it possible to add a hyperlink to a comment with Nag 1.x ?

Trying to do so results in the CGI echoing the unrendered HTML eg

ad-hoc check;1;Stanley Hopcroft;foo sez a 

and for good reason since the <a>, and </a> tags are stripped.

Presumably this is because the '<' and '>' chars are stripped from user 
input for security reasons.

Having a link in a comment may be useful - particuarly an
acknowledgement - to take the CGI user directly to an associated

. a request/'trouble ticket' (from RT for example)

. a change management page

Is there any sensible and safe way of doing this ?

Removing the '<' and '>' from the list of chars that will stripped from
user input doesn't sound a good idea. The only thing that comes to mind
is a primitive address tag recogniser in the comment handling code.

Yours sincerely.

Stanley Hopcroft

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