[OT] Posting etiquette [DEAD THREAD]

Michael Tucker mtucker at airmail.net
Wed Jan 14 00:21:43 CET 2004

On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 05:05  PM, Joe Rhett wrote:

> It was used as an adjective to describe the approach, not an insult to
> you.  Sorry I hit a button for you, but it wasn't meant that way.
> Calling someone an idiot (as a direct object noun) is a far cry from
> using '-nazi' to attribute a dictorial style of management on the noun
> in question (which is NOT a person nor the direct object)

Sorry, Joe, but you understand English grammar about as much as you 
tolerate polite criticism of your policies (policies which *are*, by 
the way, an inconvenience to other readers even if you can't see that, 
or simply don't care).

"Your content-nazi approach" deconstructs to "Your approach, which is 
that of a content-nazi", which further deconstructs to "You are a 
content-nazi." Whether that's a "hot button" for me or not, that 
statement ends the discussion.

If you were familiar with Godwin's Law, you would know that it applies 
to the first person to *even mention* Nazis. If you weren't familiar 
with it, reading the link I supplied would have made you so.

In any case, Godwin's Law isn't a "letter of the law" sort of thing for 
"rules lawyers" to weasel their way around. It's a "spirit of the law" 
sort of thing. It's designed to provide a "brick wall" stop to exactly 
this sort of thread: a run-away pointless discussion which no longer 
serves the needs of the forum, and which has degenerated to hyperbole 
and name-calling.

I trust that we can drop this, now, and return to helpful Q&A related 
to Nagios.

Good day to you, sir.


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