check_by_ssh returning UNKNOWN

Don Badrak dbadrak at
Fri Jan 9 16:19:26 CET 2004


I just wrestled with this yesterday.  As it turned out, the check worked
just fine from the command line (even as the nagios user).  But, I had
missed a $ in my line ($USER1/check_by_ssh instead of
$USER1$/check_by_ssh).  Dang.

I even tried making a, writing all the output to a log
file, to see what was going on.  That may help you figure out why it's
getting "UNKNOWN".

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Paul L. Allen wrote:

> Rasmus Plewe writes:
> > Has anyone seen something like this before and can give me a clue?
> If the problematic host is multi-homed and you're referring to it by
> name rather than one of the IPs, this could happen if your ssh has
> strict host key checking set to ask (it is by default) and for certain
> other reasons.  You can test that by:
>  1) Login to your monitoring host as user nagios (or whatever your
>  nagios system is running as).  Do not su to nagios from some other
>  user account.
>  2) SSH onto each IP address of the box being monitored using the same
>  -l and -i options as in your check command.
>  3) Fix whatever SSH complains about (usually the first manual login
>  gets rid of the xauthority message that trips up check_by_ssh).
> If the box being monitory has only one IP address then the above tests
> might still shed some light on what may be going wrong.

I've done the following to get it working.

1. Install nagios plugins on remote system (I put them in /usr/local/nagios/libexec)

2. Add nagios user and group on remote system (substitute NNN for your values).
This is for a RedHat Linux system, so put in the proper stuff for your own OS.

      /usr/sbin/groupadd -g NNN nagios
      /usr/sbin/useradd -u NNN -g nagios -c "Nagios" -d /home/nagios -s /bin/bash nagios

3. Set up the .ssh directory and key on remote system

   (on remote host)
      mkdir /home/nagios/.ssh
      chown nagios.nagios /home/nagios/.ssh

   (copy key into /home/nagios/.ssh/authorized_keys)

The key has these options (put in your own monitorhost name(s) and IP(s)), followed
by your own key.

from="monitorhost.domain,",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ...

4. Create the file for the nagios user in $HOME/.ssh/config on the local system

      Host *
         ForwardX11 no

This stops the generation of the xauthority Paul talks about in his step #3.

5. Establish the known_hosts entry on the local system from the nagios user.  I
do this with sudo. I didn't have any troubles with this, as the -H says to use the
home directory of the user (so it picks up the right place to write the known_hosts file).

      sudo -u nagios -H ssh nagios@(remotesystem) 'uname -a'

You should do this for (remotesystem) by DNS name and by all IP addresses by which
it is known in the Nagios configuration (as Paul says in his step #2).

I'd recommend trying the same line you'll use from your command.cfg
file under the same nagios user.  That might shed some light on the
problem.  Or just confuse you more.

Don Badrak <dbadrak at>              301.763.5534 work
Telecommunications Office                    301.457.4438 fax
U.S. Bureau of the Census
Suitland MD, USA

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