Status.log file disappears?

Thomas Quinlan corsis_tom at
Tue Apr 6 18:11:54 CEST 2004


I'm new to Nagios, and I seem to have been able to get
it up and running for the most part (though pings only
so far).  When I click around on the various pages, I
always get messages like "It appears Nagios isn't
running, so command/process information isn't
available."  I don't know what these errors mean, when
Nagios is obviously running.

Also, for "Process Status Information", I always get a
critical error because the log couldn't be opened for
reading.  Checking my nagios.cfg file, the file should

This file doesn't exist.

If I stop nagios, then create the file, and then start
nagios again, the file disappears (no matter what
permissions or ownership I give it).

Anyone have any idea why that occurs?



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