APAN not displaying check disk results

Rob Ford r.ford at pindar.com
Fri Sep 26 15:41:02 CEST 2003

Hi All

I'm having a few problems getting APAN to output disk data collected from nagios-stat.  I have used the examples on the APAN site and so far I have the ping example working ...it shows correctly in the service detail screen and shows a selection of graphs when I click on the graph icon.  I have again used the example in the APAN documentation and although it reports the disk usage as ok in the service screen, when I click on the graph icon it displays all the text but shows red crosses instead of the graphs.
I have enclosed all the relevent files:

#host ; service ; rrd-file ; args ; ds-names ; Comment ; Y-unit ; extra comm
vanguard;Ping;/usr/local/nagios/rrds/vanguard-ping.rrd;ping;ping:LINE2;Ping round-trip time;Seconds
beagle;disk_usage;/usr/local/nagios/rrds/beagle_disk_usage.rrd;/|/export/home;root:lINE2 home:LINE2;Disk usage;%;

#Base-directory for nagios:

#The directory where apan is installed

#The directory where Nagios plugins resides

#The directory where Nagios .cfg-files resides

# The directory where apans plugins resides

# The main config-file for apan

# Path to rrdtool

# Set DEBUG to 1 and define a DEBUGFILE to get debug-info from apan

# Set CGIDEBUG to 1 and define a CGIDEBUGFILE to get debug-info from the cgi's

# A list of colors that are used to draw the lines in the graphs.
# Beware of the syntax!!
COLS=("#ff0000" "#00ff00" "#0000ff" "#ffff00" "#ff00ff" "#00ffff" "#ff8080" "#808080" "#8080ff" )

# The type of image that is created. Valid values are PNG, GIF or GD

#End Configuration

# 'apan'  command definition
define command{
        command_name    apan
        command_line    /usr/local/nagios/apan/apan.sh $ARG1$ $HOSTNAME$ $SERVICEDESC$ $TIMET$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$


# Service definition for APAN ping
define service {
use                                  generic-service
host_name                      beagle
service_description         disk_usage
name                               disk_usage
check_command            apan!disk!85!95
normal_check_interval    1
is_volatile                         0
check_period                   24x7
max_check_attempts       3
retry_check_interval         1
contact_groups                unix-admins
notification_interval           120
notification_period             24x7
notification_options            c,r


define serviceextinfo{
host_name               vanguard
service_description     Ping
notes_url               /nagios/cgi-bin/apan.cgi?host=vanguard&service=Ping
icon_image              graph.png
icon_image_alt          View graphs

define serviceextinfo{
host_name               beagle
service_description     disk_usage
notes_url               /nagios/cgi-bin/apan.cgi?host=beagle&service=disk_usage
icon_image              graph.png
icon_image_alt          View graphs

Fri Sep 26 14:30:28 BST 2003 Args: ping vanguard Ping 1064583028 100.0,20% 500.0,60% Inserting 'ping' , '1064583028:' into /usr/local/nagios/rrds/vanguard-ping.rrd
Fri Sep 26 14:30:30 BST 2003 Args: disk beagle disk_usage 1064583030 85 95 Inserting 'root:home' , '1064583030:30:8' into /usr/local/nagios/rrds/beagle_disk_usage.rrd

/usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool graph - -s -600 -a PNG -v % DEF:var0=/usr/local/nagios/rrds/beagle_disk_usage.rrd:root:AVERAGE lINE2:var0#ff0000:root: DEF:var1=/usr/local/nagios/rrds/beagle_disk_usage.rrd:home:AVERAGE LINE2:var1#00ff00:home:
CONF: beagle;disk_usage;/usr/local/nagios/rrds/beagle_disk_usage.rrd;/|/export/home;root:lINE2 home:LINE2;Disk usage;%;

I have checked through the mailing lists and changed the apan/generate.cgi's to use the #!/bin/bash shell.  I can't see anything else wrong, so any help anybody can give me would great.



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