Drop down service list

Rob Nelson rob at capband.net
Wed Sep 10 13:50:39 CEST 2003

At 03:19 PM 8/28/2003 -0700, Tedman Eng wrote:
>There's a dynamic version available at:
>http://apan.sourceforge.net/ (look in the downloads section)
>"Grouplist is a small hack that will show all hostgroups in a 'treewiev' in
>the left frame in Nagios web-interface."
>The small cgi script automatically reflects any new configs added to your
>CFG files without additional HTMl editing.

To anyone else using this...

groupview.cgi does a grep for "^hostgroup_name", which means if you indent 
your conf files it won't work. Remove the caret on line 23 and it should 
start working.

Rob Nelson
Network Administrator, Capitol Broadband
C: 919-369-1874
rob at capband.net 

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