No Output! problem

Marc Powell mpowell at
Wed Oct 29 21:25:14 CET 2003

This must be a day for the psychic help line...

What exactly is happening, or not as the case may be? What are your host, service and command definitions that are relevant? Are you able to run the command from the command line _as the nagios user_ on the new machine? check_snmp may not be able to execute or read a program or file that it depends on (/usr/bin/snmpget for example). This is a common cause of No Output problems. strace -fF -s 512 ~nagios/libexec/check_snmp [full command definition]... may offer insight.

Also, did you recompile the plugins on the new machine or just copy them over? It would be prudent to recompile since you've implied that you've changed Net-SNMP versions.


From: Dan Spray [mailto:danslists at] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 2:12 PM
To: Nagios-Users

I just moved Nagios onto another server.  The new server is running Net-SNMP 5.0.9.  It appears that everything is running fine except for the services that depend on snmp, such as interfaces on routers and such.  I'm not sure what I am missing here but any help would be great.

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