Problems in archiving log files

Syed Faruque Ahmed sfque at
Sun Oct 26 19:59:41 CET 2003

Hello List,

We are using Nagios 1.0 on FreeBSD.

We set the log rotation for nagios.log to daily.  It was working fine for a 
few months now, but last few days the archiving doesn't seem to be working 
correctly.  Instead of archiving the log file before it gets "rotated", 
nagios seems to be archiving the log file after it gets rotated; i.e. 
instead of containing the last 24 hour log, the archived log file contains 
only one line,

[1067191200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY

which is the first line in the "new" log file.

One hint is that the currently the log file has been getting pretty big, 
about 600KB.  It did not seem to have the problem when the log file was 
under 300KB.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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