Services go stale after HARD state change

James Harrison james.harrison at
Wed Oct 15 15:01:18 CEST 2003


I have recently migrated from a central only to central and distributed

I was having some trouble with freshness, but as my distributed box
polls every 5 minutes I have set my central server's freshness_threshold
at 330 seconds (5.5 mins.)  This seems to have calmed down my central
server and things seem ok.

Now I'm noticing that my services seem to be going stale after I have a
HARD state change and notices are sent out.  (I'm using email and
qpage[local modem] notifications)

Is this because notices(dialing a local modem, etc) is CPU intense?  I
just had an outage my loads are .73,.51,.45.  I had a boat load of
services go stale on the state changes.

What could be causing my services to go stale?  Anything I can do to
mitigate this problem?

Thanks as always
James Harrison RHCE, CCNA

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