Authentication Blues

Jeremy Russell Jeremy.Russell at
Wed Mar 26 17:52:49 CET 2003

Hello list!
            I have a challenge, what's going on is this.  I want to use
the CGI auth mechanism but I don't want to use apache's built in auth
stuff (even mod_auth_ldap).  I actually have a PHP script that
authenticates users against an Active Directory server.  Is there any
way to make the CGI's work with this.  I've tried a few things so far
but havn't had any really good results. 
First I tried the apache_setenv for php, tried to set the REMOTE_USER
variable.  No worky worky, not sure if I used correctly or not,  haven't
been able to find docs for it.
Next I tried to edit the auth.c library for Nagios itself.  It pulls the
user from the REMOTE_USER using apaches libs, so I thought I would user
a different variable name,  but I then figured out I still don't know
how I would populate the environment variable.  
The only thing I know of now is to really butcher the auth library for
Nagios.  I guess I could maybe also write a C program to run from the
script to populate the environment variable, another option is maybe to
use mod_rewrite(??)  But I'm not sure how.
I guess I'm checking to see if anyone has tried a different auth
procedure and how they did it.
Thanks for the space!
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