SNMP Discovery

Fred Albrecht Fred.Albrecht at
Sun Mar 16 00:51:42 CET 2003


Here's the script.  It's rough (without comments), but serves its purpose for me.



use Socket;

sub resolve_ipaddress
        my ($address)=@_;
        my $name="";

        return $address if (!($address =~ /^\d/));

        open(O, "nslookup $address 2>>/dev/null|") or die "Could not do nslookup";
        while (<O>)
                next if (!(/^Name:/));
                ($ble,$name)=split(/:/, $_);

        return $name;

sub resolve_name
        my ($address)=@_;
        my $ad=0;
        my $name="";

        return $address if ($address =~ /^\d/);

        open(O, "nslookup $address 2>>/dev/null|") or die "Could not do nslookup";
        while (<O>)
                next if (!(/^Address:/));

                next if ($ad < 2);
                ($ble, $name)=split(/:/, $_);

        return $name;

sub get_host_name
        my ($address)=@_;
        my $ip;
        my $name;

        #is address and ipaddress?
        if ($address =~ /^\d/)
                #does the ip resolve?
                if ($name ne "")
                        return $name;
        return $address;

my %dependency=();
sub get_proper_router_name
        my ($address)=@_;
        my $ip;
        my $name;

        #is address and ipaddress?
        if ($address =~ /^\d/)
                #does the ip resolve?
                if ($name ne "")
                        #does the name resolve?
                        if ($ip ne "")
                                #to the same address?
                                if ($ip eq $address)
                                        return $name;
        return $address;
my %dependency=();

my %hostip=();
#my %router_exists_allready=();

open(ROUTERS, "$ARGV[0]") or die "Could not open $ARGV[0]";
while (<ROUTERS>)
        my @t=();
        my @s=();

        next if (/^\#/);
        next if ($_ eq "");
        ($router)=split(/:/, $_);

        print "Busy with router $router\n";

        open(IN, "traceroute -m 10 -w 2 -q 1 $router 2>>/dev/null|") or die "Can't read";
        while (<IN>)
                push @t, $_;
                next if (! ($line =~ /^\s\d/));
                $line=~s/\s\s/ /g;
                print "$line";
                @b=split(/\s/, $line);
                push @s, $b[2];
                last if ($b[2] eq $router);
                last if ($b[1] eq "*");
        #close  (IN);

        pop @s;
        push @s, $router;

        $prev=" ";

        foreach $host (@s)
                print "Traceroute Busy with router $host\n";
                if ($host_name ne $host)
                        if ($ip ne "")
                                print "Router resolved to $host_name, replacing $host\n";

#               if (defined $router_exists_allready{$host})
#               {
#                       print "WARNING: Router $host has allready been added, IGNORING THIS INSTANCE\n";
#                       next;
#               }
#               $router_exists_allready{$host}=1;
                push @{$dependency{$host}},$prev;
print "==========================\n";
my $router_count=0;

( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime( time() );
open(HOSTS, ">rtg_hosts.cfg") or die "Could not create rtg_hosts.cfg";
printf HOSTS "# Generated %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d by $0\n\n", $mon + 1, $mday, $year + 1900, $hour, $min;

print HOSTS "define service {\n";
print HOSTS "        name                           generic-client\n";
print HOSTS "        use                            generic-service\n";
print HOSTS "        check_command                  check-host-alive\n";
print HOSTS "        register                       0\n";
print HOSTS "        max_check_attempts             36\n";
print HOSTS "        notification_interval          0\n";
print HOSTS "        active_checks_enabled          1\n";
print HOSTS "        retry_check_interval           1\n";
print HOSTS "}\n\n";

open(HOSTGROUPS, ">rtg_hostgroups.cfg") or die "Could not create rtg_hostgroups.cfg";
printf HOSTGROUPS "# Generated %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d by $0\n\n", $mon + 1, $mday, $year + 1900, $hour, $min;

print HOSTGROUPS "define hostgroup {\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "hostgroup_name                 routers\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "alias                          routers\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "name                           routers\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "register                       1\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "contact_groups                 NMSAdmin\n";
print HOSTGROUPS "members                        ";

foreach $router (keys %dependency)
        #print "$router<--->$dependency{$router}\n";
        #print "$router<--->";
        my %k=();

        print HOSTS "define host {\n";
        print HOSTS "\thost_name\t\t$router\n";
        print HOSTS "\talias\t\t\t$router\n";
        print HOSTS "\taddress\t\t\t$hostip{$router}\n";
        print HOSTS "\tregister\t\t1\n";
        print HOSTS "\tuse\t\t\tgeneric-router\n";
        print HOSTS "\tcheck_command\t\tcheck-host-alive\n";

        print "define host {\n";
        print "\thost_name\t\t$router\n";
        print "\talias\t\t\t$router\n";
        print "\taddress\t\t\t$hostip{$router}\n";
        print "\tregister\t\t1\n";
        print "\tuse\t\t\tgeneric-router\n";
        print "\tcheck_command\t\tcheck-host-alive\n";

        foreach $parent (@{$dependency{$router}})
                if (! defined $k{$parent})
                        print HOSTS "\tparents\t\t\t" if (($c==0) && ($parent ne " "));
                        print "\tparents\t\t\t" if (($c==0) && ($parent ne " "));
                        if ($parent ne " ")
                                print "," if ($c > 1);
                                print HOSTS "," if ($c > 1);
                                print "$parent";
                                print HOSTS "$parent";
        print "\n";
        print "}\n\n";
        print HOSTS "\n";
        print HOSTS "}\n\n";

        print "define service {\n";
        print "\tuse                             generic-router\n";
        print "\thost_name                       $router\n";
        print "\tservice_description             PING\n";
        print "\tcheck_command                   check-host-alive\n";
        #print "\tactive_checks_enabled           0\n";
        #print "\tpassive_checks_enabled          0\n";
        print "}\n\n";

        print HOSTS "define service {\n";
        print HOSTS "\tuse                             generic-router\n";
        print HOSTS "\thost_name                       $router\n";
        print HOSTS "\tservice_description             PING\n";
        print HOSTS "\tcheck_command                   check-host-alive\n";
        #print HOSTS "\tactive_checks_enabled           0\n";
        #print HOSTS "\tpassive_checks_enabled          0\n";
        print HOSTS "}\n\n";

        print HOSTGROUPS "," if ($router_count > 1);
        print HOSTGROUPS "$router";
print HOSTGROUPS "\n}\n\n";


Define another object file with the following in:

define host {
name                           generic-host     ; The name of this host template - referenced in other host definit
ions, used for template recursion/resolution
register                       0
notification_options           d,u,r
max_check_attempts             1
notifications_enabled          1
notification_interval          5
flap_detection_enabled         1
process_perf_data              1
retain_status_information      1
retain_nonstatus_information   1

define host {
host_name                      generic-router
name                           generic-router
register                       0
use                            generic-host     ; The name of this host template - referenced in other host definit
ions, used for template recursion/resolution
max_check_attempts             1
notification_interval          5
notification_period            24x7
notification_options           d,u,r
notifications_enabled          1
checks_enabled                 1
flap_detection_enabled         1
process_perf_data              1
retain_status_information      1
retain_nonstatus_information   1


Store your list of router/host names one per line in a file.  Pass the filename as argument to the script.  The output gets written to stdout and a file called rtg_hosts.cfg.  The hostgroups live in rtg_hostgroups.cfg.

Note: the program rellys heavily on traceroute, your milleage might differ to mine.  The code is provided as is, etc, etc etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dario B. Bestetti [mailto:dbestetti at]
Sent: 14 March 2003 03:59
To: Fred Albrecht; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] SNMP Discovery

Fred, can you send this program to the list ?

-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-admin at
[mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of Fred Albrecht
Sent: quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2003 19:47
To: Subhendu Ghosh; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] SNMP Discovery

Well, I kinda did it the hard way.

I supply the program I wrote with a list of addresses where my services
live.  Then I parse the output of the traceroute command to see how I get
from my Nagios machine to my destination.  The scrippy then writes my
hosts.cfg file (with parents and all) and puts a default check_ping service
in for each router along the way.  Looks kinda nice when the end result is a
nice statusmap all filled in for me (btw I'm lazy, that's why I do these
things ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Subhendu Ghosh [mailto:sghosh at]
Sent: 13 March 2003 10:42
To: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] SNMP Discovery

On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Samoied wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> I've been testing Nagios here in the company and got great results in 
> the way it checks the hosts and show them and warn us about any 
> problem.
> I want to replace the whole What's Up system by Nagios, but there's 
> only one little problem that I have, and it is in the discovery. If 
> you in the list know about any way to do the discovery using SNMP, 
> since my whole network is configured under SNMP, and if there was any 
> way to make Nagios folow the links configured in each router I'd be 
> very thankful.
> I'm using nagios 1.0 and nagios-plugins-1.3.0-beta3
> Greetings,

There is no easy way to do snmp discovery for Nagios currently.

BTW - nagios-plugins are a 1.3.0 release



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