Service notifications and host groups

Dan Tulovsky Dan.Tulovsky at
Fri Jun 27 18:17:04 CEST 2003


I was wondering if someone could clarify notifications for me.
According to the documentation, host notifications (when a server goes
down or comes back up) are sent to contact_groups defined in the
hostgroups file.

# 'all' host group definition
define hostgroup{
       hostgroup_name  All
       alias           All Systems
       contact_groups  group1
       members         *

So according to this definition, when any server goes down, the group
group1 gets notified.

Now, when a service on any of these servers goes down, the contact_group
for the hostgroup is not used, rather the contact_group for the service
definition gets notified.

Can I somehow set it up so that when a service on a host goes down, the
contact_group associated with that host gets notified?

For instance, I have a service definition:

define service{
        use                             disk-unix-service       
        host_name                       host1, host2
	  < lots of stuff deleted>

When the service on host1 goes down, I want the contact_group group1 to
be notified.  I can do this by putting

        contact_groups                  group1

Into the service definition.  But, I when this service breaks on host2,
I don't want group1 to be notified.  I want group2 to be notified.  So
really I just want the services on each server to be tied to the host
notifications instead of the service notifications.

Thank you much.

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