[LONG!!!]Nagios+apan on Mandrake9.1 and ... PITA

Fredrik Wänglund fredrik.wanglund at datavis.se
Wed Jun 11 15:27:48 CEST 2003

1) The icond should show up next to the service-name in the 
webinterface. Look at the screenshots
at apan.sf.net.

2) The RRD-file should be readable by the web-server user. The cgi 
should write some info
to apancgi.debug. Look in that file and see if you can find any possible 

Maybe you can send me the relevant lines from apan.debug, apancgi.debug, 
apan.cfg, your service-definition and
the command you used to create the RRD-file?


stefmit wrote:

>Due to some unknown reasons, the "packagers" of Mandrake decided to have 
>nagios install all over, with no relationship to where its original docs and 
>the defaults seem to indicate. I have - thus - spent an incredible amount of 
>hours fixing variables through all possible files, and I finally got stuck 
>using apan. Here is the deal: MDK9.1 rpm installs Nagios 1.0 as follows:
>usr/sbin/nagios----------> just executable
>/etc/nagios/--------------> configuration files (*.cfg)
>/usr/lib/nagios/----------> cgi/ --> *.cgi files
>		|---------> plugins/------> check_* files
>			    	    |-----> contrib/ --> check_*.pl and .sh files
>/usr/include/nagios-------> locations.h
>/usr/share/nagios/--------> contexthelp/
>		  |-------> ssi/
>		  |-------> images/ --> *.gif and *.png files
>		  |-------> media/
>		  |-------> stylesheets/
>		  |-------> docs/
>		  |-------> index.html, main.html, side.html, robots.txt
>I had all of tgeh above taken care of, eventually, thus nagios running, with 
>the std plugins ... so I moved on to using apan (I had MRTG for a while, and 
>decided to dump it in the favor of this consolidated tool).
>As apan does not exist as an rpm, I installed it from the tarball, as follows 
>(the closest I came up with, on the new directory structure, based on the 
>docs from apan's site, which use as assumed /usr/local/nagios for 
>extract apan from tarball into /usr/share/nagios/ (see above MDK's nagios dir 
>structure on why)
>cp apan/libexec/* /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
>cp apan/*.cgi /usr/lib/nagios/cgi
>extract graph.png from an older version of apan (0.2.1 missed it!)
>cp graph.png /usr/share/nagios/images/
>fix (because of assumed /usr/local/nagios on all these files) variables in 
>/usr/share/nagios/apan/apan.defs (directories, including rrdtool placement)
>fix directory where apan.defs is, in the following files:
>and - after the creation of the rrd file, using rrdtool, I started filling it 
>up with data (I am testing now the simple bandwidth measurement, as described 
>here: http://apan.sourceforge.net/ --> documentation --> how to ... for SNMP)
>I left debug enabled in apan.defs, for both apan and apancgi, and I can see 
>data being entered in the rrd file, when looking at /tmp/apan.debug (NOTE: 
>for whatever reasons ... maybe related to my problems - there is no 
>apancgi.debug being created?!?)
>serviceextinfo is supposed to help in the creation of an icon and link. Here I 
>had to follow the new format indicated by nagios docs, vs. the format in apan 
>docs, so I ended up with an entry like:
>where Net-usage has been defined in /etc/nagios/services.cfg, per the docs.
>I am assuming all of the above have been properly defined, as I can see data 
>being collected and inserted into the rrd file.
>1. serviceextinfo (according to apan docs) is supposed to add a link and icon 
>... where? I had to download a previous version of apan, just to find 
>graph.png (as it is missing from the latest tarball) ... so I fixed that. But 
>where are the links supposed to show on the nagios page(s)?
>2. when running the script manually, as defined in the serviceextinfo, in 
>/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg, i.e.: 
>all I get are "blank" graphs?!? Any idea why is not reading the file from the 
>location I indicated in apan.cfg? The file is there, growing, and is is 
>read-writeable by nagios (actually I opened it to the whole world, at one 
>point in time, out of frustration ;))
>I am in the process of documeting everything, so that I can feed back my 
>horrible experience with the way Mandrake packaged this, in regards to where 
>all the changes have to go ... so I will (hopefully) be able to "give back" 
>to the community pretty soon :)
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