Nagios config -- not xml?

Steve Burton steve at
Sat Jan 25 01:20:45 CET 2003

Brandon Gillespie wrote:
> Steve Burton wrote:
> > But for those of us who just configure it, having to type all the xml
> > froth would be a royal pain. Also the present system is self describing,
> > the description is at the beginning of the line. The context is in the
> > name of the config. file, if you use multiple files and the namespace is
> > nagios.
> I don't think there would be much of a problem, especially since a lot
> of people are already familiar with an XML/HTML like syntax.  Yes, it
> would be different.  The 'template' stuff is already builtin to XML, so
> those would all just be tossed into a dtd somewhere.  The nice thing is
> you wouldn't HAVE to have seperate files.  You would also gain
> additional bonuses, such as nesting or even includes, as:
> <host name="frible" class="generic-host" address="">
>    <service class="generic-service"
>             description="HTTP"
>             maxCheckAttempts="3"
>             normalCheckInterval="5"
>             contactGroups="serverAdmin"
>             checkCommand="check_http"/>
>    <service src="std_services.xml" />
> </host>
> -Brandon Gillespie

In a sense we already have includes but they're called templates. If the
xml is really *so* close to what we have now then why bother. Writing a
program to use the 'block syntax' used now is not difficult as it's well
defined. Ethan can do it. I can do it (and I suspect I'm not half the
programmer he is). So why waste time and effort to increase the
complexity in the config. The complexity is supposed to be in the
software, that's why I use/write software, to hide the complexity so I
only have to deal with it once.

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Steve Burton

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