check_traffic plugin - another problem

Marc Powell mpowell at
Sun Jan 19 14:26:33 CET 2003

Looks like check_traffic could use some work to massage interface names. Looks like it's trying to find the directory x.x.x.x_Ethernet0 to create the file 0.rrd.

Maybe it should substitute _'s for /'s like cricket does.


Sent from a very tiny wireless device with a very tiny unlit keyboard.

-----Original Message-----
From: Olivier F. Beauchemin (Budget-Tech IT Consulting) <ofb at>
To: 'Adrian Wieczorek' <ads at>; Nagios-users at <Nagios-users at>
Sent: Sat Jan 18 10:58:14 2003
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] re: check_traffic plugin - another problem

Also, when I run the check_traffic plugin via the command line I get:

[obeauche at mrtg libexec]# ./check_traffic -H x.x.x.x -i 3 -b 1250000 -r
Ethernet0/0 -w 95 -c 85
ERROR: opening
'/usr/local/nagios/check_traffic-0.90b/db/x.x.x.x_Ethernet0/0.rrd': No such
file or directory
Total RX Bytes: 1646.57 MB, Total TX Bytes: 2422.08 MB<br>Average Traffic:
9.62 kB/s (0.8%) in, 2.47 kB/s (0.2%) out
[obeauche at mrtg libexec]#

So, snmp is doing it's thing. I think the plugin in general is doing it's
thing... but not creating the .rrd files.


It would be nice if some of the variables that had to be edited, like
hostname, host and community were able to be entered via the command line
rather than hard-coded into make-config or check_traffic.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Olivier Beauchemin (Budget-Tech IT Consulting)" <ofb at>

> [obeauche at mrtg check_traffic-0.90b]# ./make-config
> Number of Interfaces found: 4
> ERROR: creating
> '/usr/local/nagios/check_traffic-0.90b/db/x.x.x.x_Serial0/0.rrd': No such
> file or directory
> ERROR: creating
> '/usr/local/nagios/check_traffic-0.90b/db/x.x.x.x_Ethernet0/0.rrd': No
> file or directory
> ERROR: creating
> '/usr/local/nagios/check_traffic-0.90b/db/x.x.x.x_Serial0/1.rrd': No such
> file or directory
> So, it seems that I am unable to create the .rrd files for anything beyond
> the Null0 interface. I would assume that this is because of the '/' from
> interface name.  I'm also guessing that the reason the .cgi and
> isn't populating with the rest of the interfaces is because it's not able
> finish creating these files.
> Anyone have the fixes or improvements, to this great plugin?
> Olivier

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