Using check_dummy for organizing the status maps

Tue Jan 14 16:47:19 CET 2003

Hi there,

I wanted to better organize the icons on the status map screens and I had an
idea on how I could do it.

The idea is to create a "dummy" parent node for each grouping of icons. For
example, nodes on one floor
would be the children of a system that does not actually exist, but is
listed exclusively for organizational purposes.

To achieve this end I would create a pseudo node account within Nagios via
the hostextinfo, hosts, and hostgroups
configuration files. To monitor the node I would use the ./check_dummy
daemon and configure it as such in the
services.cfg file. I would then add the appropriate parents line to the
configuration settings of those systems that I
want subordinated to the newly created parent.

Would this be the correct way to do this? Thanks.

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