check http syntax

Van Zee, Timothy T-VANZEE at
Thu Feb 20 15:20:37 CET 2003

1st, I haven't been able to search the mail archive, so
apologies for asking a question that I'm sure has been covered many
times in the past.  Is there anywhere else to that archives nagios
questions that I can search?

2nd, in my services.cfg file I using check_http on many different hosts.
On some of the hosts I need to specify a different default path.  At
command line I can use /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -H -u /otherpath/ and I receive an HTTP ok: HTTP/1.1 200 OK -
0.000 second response time.  How do I append the check_command?  I have
tried the following, but the obviously are not correct as they don't
check_command		check_http!-u!/otherpath/
check_command		check_http!-u /otherpath/
I can successfully put in the command line surrounded by double quotes,
but I wanted to know the proper way to append to the check_http on the
check_command line.

Tim Van Zee
ITS Network Specialist
Governors State University

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