Hostgroup / host config for multiple data centers

Richard Gross rich at
Sat Feb 15 17:12:17 CET 2003

I need some advice on using a single Nagios server monitoring different
cities and relay racks in those cities.


Torrance			Pasadena			Van Nuys
    |					|
RR10.01,RR10.02		RR20.01,RR20.02		RR30.01, RR30.02 etc
	|				|
Customers in each RR	Customers in each	RR	Customers in
each RR

Is there a way to setup a master hostgroup for each city, that has
A master hostgroup containing the Relay Racks in that city.  Then
Below that are the customers per Relay Rack.

Right now, I just define hostgroups which right now are simply the
Relay racks.  But I want to be able to "click down" a hierarchy of
City, then Relay Racks per city, then get the client detail.

Like if you click "Service Overview for all host groups" can you get
Simply "Torrance" and have it pull up the Relay Racks in Torrance.
Then you can click on a specific Relay Rack to get customer detail?

Would appreciate learning how larger facilities are doing the above...

Thank you.


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