HOWTO: handle windows events.

Bishop, Dean dean.bishop at
Wed Sep 11 21:56:49 CEST 2002

k, so here it is.  cleaned up and everythang.

Basic BackLog config and Swatch configs are comments in the perl script
below. get it paging people all this crap...


#					    #	
# here is the service definition: #
#					    #

define service{							
	name				generic-service
	active_checks_enabled		1
	passive_checks_enabled		1
	parallelize_check			1
	obsess_over_service		0
	is_volatile				0		
	check_freshness			0
	notifications_enabled		1
	event_handler_enabled		1
	flap_detection_enabled		1
	process_perf_data			1
	retain_status_information	1
	retain_nonstatus_information	1
	check_period			24x7			
	max_check_attempts		3				
	retry_check_interval		5				
	notification_interval		45				
	notification_period		24x7				
	notification_options		w,u,c,r				
	register				0
# Service definition for a Windows Event
define service{
	name					WindowsEvent
	use					generic-service
	service_description		Windows Event ;<--this is important.
Don't change the name here.
	check_period			none
	contact_groups			ServerAdmins
	check_command			check-host-alive
	is_volatile				1
	max_check_attempts		1
	normal_check_interval		10
	retry_check_interval		10
	notification_interval		15
	host_name ;<--this is
important.  it must match the name recorded by syslog.
								   ;   check

#					    #	
# here is the perl script that i  #
# use to make it happen.          #
#					    #

# The purpose of this script is to receive the windows events from swatch,
#  format them, and dump them into the nagios external command file.
# Written, through much blood sweat and coffee by Dean Bishop
#  ( dbishop at
# Mileage may vary.  You can ask me for help, but this is about the 5th
#  perl script i have written.
# Swatch is watching a syslog file that is dumped to by the windows 2000
#  servers using Intersect Allaince's Backlog.
#  (
# When configuring Backlog i set the Category to "local0" and "notice".
# Also it is necessary to set the delimiter to "comma".
# Then add the following line to /etc/syslog.conf:
#local0.*                      /var/log/winevents.log
# My swatch config looks like this right now but will be cleaned up and
#   ammended as necessary.
#watchfor /1000/ and /User Error/
#        ignore
#watchfor / and /529,Security/
#        exec echo $0 | /usr/local/bin/parser
# Don't need this
#        echo = random
#       ignore
#watchfor / and /9,System|11,System|15,System|51,System/
#        exec echo $0 | /usr/local/bin/parser
#watchfor   /Warning|Error|Failure/
# Don't need the next two lines either.  Just for testing purposes.
#        bell 3
#        echo = random
#        exec echo $0 | /usr/local/bin/parser

# Written, through much blood sweat and coffee by Dean Bishop
#  ( dbishop at
# Mileage may vary.  You can ask me for help, but this is about the 5th
#  perl script i have written.

# Get the windows event from swatch.
$event = <STDIN>;

# Substitute all commas for spaces.
$event =~ s/,/ /g;

# Substitute all double-spaces for single-spaces.
$event =~ s/  / /g;

# Substitute the irritating "^I" character from backlog (which seems to be
#  a tab or other sort of whitespace thang) for nothing.  In other words,
#  remove it.
$event =~ s/\^I//g;

# Split the scalar bits into an array using space as the delimiter.
# Most messages seem to be <= 40 words long so that's all we will deal with.
@line =  split (/ /, $event );

# Clean, rearrange, and add to the message to make it clear in the
#  notifications.
$problem= "Date:$line[7] $line[8] $line[9] $line[11] Time:$line[10]
Source:$line[5] Category:$line[17] Type:$line[16] EventID:$line[12]
EventNumber:$line[6] User:$line[14] Computer:$line[18] Description:";

# The first 18 words are before the description of the event.  The rest is 
#  from the description block.
# Here we are jumping to the 19th word and lumping words 19-40 into one
while ( $i < "35" ) {
	$problem = $problem . "$line[$i] ";

# Get the time in seconds from UNIX epoch and clear off the trailing
chomp ($date = `date +%s`);

# Form the command to be dumped into the Nagios external command file.
$command = "[$date] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;$line[3];Windows

# Define the Nagios external command file.
$file = "/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd";

# Open the Nagios external command file for appending.
open (FILE, ">>$file");

# Write the full command to the Nagios external command file.
print FILE $command;

# Close the external command file.
close (FILE);

# Enjoy.  Currently from just 1 of about 150 windows 2000 servers i am
#  getting about 10 messages per minute.  Had to un-tweak sendmail so that
#  it wouldn't throttle the outbound messages and number of MTA children.

In remembrance

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