Citrix plugin

Stefan Hanssen Stefan.Hanssen at
Wed Oct 16 15:36:24 CEST 2002

I seem to be missing something in the script. Could someone verify the contents of my check_cit ?

This is what my check_cit contains:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

 # $Id: check_cit,v 1.6 2002-10-03 16:16:44+10 anwsmh Exp anwsmh $

 # $Log: check_cit,v $
 # Revision 1.6  2002-10-03 16:16:44+10  anwsmh
 # Contributions from Mr Bas Rijniersce
 #  1 Decode unicode in application list if it looks as if the app list contains unicode
 #  2 Only stop receiving packets from the browser after the socket times out
 #    (formerly would only read 2 packets and this was useless for more than 20 apps)
 #    if -L option.
 #  3 Change meaning of -T and default value. Now this is the UDP packet timeout
 #    value and is set to be 1 second.
 # Revision 1.5  2002-10-01 19:26:07+10  anwsmh
 # Provide -L option to deal with long lists of published apps (use -T probably indicatedalso).
 # Revision 1.4  2002-10-01 16:53:56+10  anwsmh
 # Roll version to accomodate
 #  . -P no longer mandatory (either -P or -W will do)
 #  . remove some redundant pack and unpacks after getting the
 #    app list from the browser.

 # Ed Rolison 15/06/02
 # ed at ni...
 # If it doesn't work, please let me know, I've only had access to my
 # environment so I'm not 100% sure.
 # If you want to mess around with this script, then please feel free
 # to do so.
 # However, if you add anything 'funky' then I'd really appreciate
 # hearing about it.
 # Oh, and if you do ever make huge amounts of money out of it, cut me
 # in :)

 use strict ;

 use IO::Socket;
 use IO::Select;
 use FileHandle;
 use Getopt::Long ;

 use vars qw($opt_H $opt_B $opt_W $opt_T $debug @citrix_servers $crit_pub_apps
$warn_pub_apps $long_list);
 use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);

 my $PROGNAME = 'check_citrix' ;

 sub print_help ();
 sub print_usage ();
 sub help ();
 sub version ();

 delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

 # You might have to change this...

 use constant PACKET_TIMEOUT    => 1;
                                # Number of seconds to wait for further UDP packets
 use constant TEST_COUNT                => 2;
                                # Number of datagrams sent without reply
 use constant BUFFER_SIZE       => 1500;
                                # buffer size used for 'recv' calls.
 use constant LONG_LIST         => 0 ;
                                # this is for if you have many published applications.
                                # if you set it, it won't do any harm, but may slow the test
                                # down a little. (Since it does a 'recv' twice instead of
                                # once and therefore may have to wait for a timeout).
 use constant ICA_PORT  => 1604;
                                # what port ICA runs on. Unlikely to change.

 # End user config.

 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case');
         ("V|version"     => \&version,
          "h|help"        => \&help,
          "d|debug"       => \$debug,
          "B|broadcast_addr:s"  => \$opt_B,
          "C|citrix_servers:s"  => \@citrix_servers,
          "L|long_list" => \$long_list,
          "P|crit_pub_apps:s"   => \$crit_pub_apps,
          "T|Packet_timeout:i"   => \$opt_T,
          "W|warn_pub_apps:s"   => \$warn_pub_apps,
 ) ;

 # configuration section

 my $broadcast_addr = $1 if $opt_B and $opt_B =~ m#(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)# ;
 usage("Invalid broadcast address: $opt_B\n") if $opt_B and not defined($broadcast_addr)  ;

 usage("You must provide either the names of citrix servers or the broadcast address of the subnet containing them\n")
   unless (@citrix_servers or $broadcast_addr) ;

 my @target = defined $broadcast_addr ? ($broadcast_addr) : @citrix_servers ;

 usage("You must provide the names of the published applications that the Citrix browser should be advertising\n")

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