Nagios compile error with MySQL

Anoop Atre atre at
Tue Oct 8 23:35:10 CEST 2002

Below is the message I get when I try to compile with MySQL support.

I even tried to compile with
--with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/msql --with-mysql-inc=/usr/include/mysql

but got the same message. Nagios seems pretty trained monkey so
I know it's got to be something on the system or could be the su -l
issue that had come up in the faqs on someother topic (?)

I'm compiling with all default settings or as suggested in the
I had done a make clean prior to each attempt.

Init script directory:  /etc/rc.d/init.d
We'll use MySQL database routines (in xdata/xsddb.*) for status data I/O...
We'll use MySQL database routines (in xdata/xcddb.*) for comment data I/O...
We'll use MySQL database routines (in xdata/xeddb.*) for extended data
We'll use MySQL database routines (in xdata/xrddb.*) for retention data
We'll use template-based routines (in xdata/xodtemplate.*) for object data
We'll use default routines (in xdata/xpddefault.*) for performance data
We'll use MySQL database routines (in xdata/xdddb.*) for scheduled downtime
data I/O...
checking for main in -lmysqlclient... no

*** MySQL library could not be located... **************************

You chose to compile Nagios with MySQL support, but I was unable to
locate the MySQL library on your system.  If the library is
installed,  use the --with-mysql-lib and --with-mysql-inc arguments
to specify the locations of the MySQL library and include files.

NOTE: After you install the necessary libraries on your system:
      1. Make sure /etc/ has an entry for the directory in
         which the MySQL libraries are installed.
      2. Run 'ldconfig' to update the run-time linker options.
      3. Run 'make clean' in the Nagios distribution to clean out
         any old references to your previous compile.
      4. Rerun the configure script.


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