logos, logos, and blanks...

Pete Dubler pete at dublerfamily.com
Tue Dec 3 01:57:19 CET 2002

Having recovered from getting statusmap.cgi running, I decided to 
attempt to customize the icons in the statusmap.  So...

I added the following to /usr/local/nagios/etc/cgi.cfg


I then set-up the following hostextinfo.cfg file

## Extended Information Configuration File
# added 12/2/02 by PD

define hostextinfo{
  host_name        radio
  icon_image       antenna.png
  icon_image_alt   AntennaImage
  statusmap_image  antenna.png

I left all of the other hosts alone.  (this is my wireless link, of course)

For what it's worth, this file is owned by and grouped to nagios:
-rw-r--r--    1 nagios   nagios        211 Dec  2 17:21 hostextinfo.cfg

restarted nagios:  service nagios restart
and for good measure, cleared the caches on my Mozilla 1.0.1 which is 
running locally on my nagios machine.

All of my logos files are in the /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos 
directory.  They all have clean ownership, grouping and permissions:  eg
-rw-r--r--    1 nagios   nagios       1240 Dec  2 14:36 antenna.png

NOW, what happened:  bringing up the statusmap, all of the "?" marks are 
gone, not just the one on the host named radio.  Also, when I mouse over 
the host named radio, the window that pops up shows the "antenna" logo. 
 And, there is a green circle with two cross lines (like a rifle sight) 
over the host "radio" (bigger than the box that's also there).  (There 
is just a box, the host name, and "Up" at all of the other hosts.

Why did I loose the question marks?  Why is there no logo shown for the 
host radio on the statusmap display (level 5, circular marked-up).

Why is this so hard...?

Hint:  pngtogd generates the following error:

No PNG library support available.
Segmentation fault

However all of the png libs and their devel libs are present on the system.


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