[naemon-dev] last order

Sven Nierlein Sven.Nierlein at Consol.de
Tue Feb 11 13:35:03 CET 2014

On 2/11/14 13:22, Anton Löfgren wrote:
> Just curious, what does a release signify in Naemon future compat-wise? What are the promises we make with regards to the release? Would it imply also freezing API/ABI for the foreseeable future? If so, we might want to spend some time cleaning that up before we commit to it.
> Or is it just a PR-release, to have something to point to as arbitrarily stable/supported as-is?

I wouldn't call it PR-release, that sounds bad :-) But the planned version number
is 0.8.0, which means we have still time for ABI changes till a 1.0 release. But yes,
the main intention of this release is to have something showable for people who
stumble over this project.


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