Core 3.4.1 upgrade to 4

Mike Guthrie mguthrie at
Wed Oct 3 21:49:56 CEST 2012


Working on testing an upgrade from Core 3.4.1 to 4.x for those who may 
want to migrate to 4. After some doing some house cleaning and removing 
deprecated config directives, the following issue still presented itself 
in the logs:

[1349292382] Nagios 3.99.95 starting... (PID=28837)

[1349292382] Local time is Wed Oct 03 14:26:22 CDT 2012

[1349292382] LOG VERSION: 2.0

[1349292382] Init of query socket '@localstatedir/rw/nagios.qh' failed. bind() failed: No such file or directory

[1349292382] Error: Failed to insert query handler 'nerd' (0x19d0a70) into hash table (nil) (-22): No such file or directory

[1349292382] Error: Failed to register 'nerd' with query handler

[1349292382] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=28838)

[1349292384] Successfully launched command file worker with pid 28841

[1349292384] Workers spawned: 6

[1349292384] Error: Failed to insert query handler 'register_worker' (0x19d3770) into hash table (nil) (-22): Operation now in progress

 From looking through the code, the issue was resolved by specifying the 
following in the main nagios.cfg.


It looks like there's supposed to be an error message that tells a user 
to add this, but for some reason it skipped past this and failed at the 
next conditional. Line 220 base/query-handler.c

         if(!path) {

                 /* not configured, so do nothing */

                 logit(NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE, TRUE, "Query socket not enabled. Set 'query_socket=</path/to/query-socket>' in config (and stop whining, Robin).\n");

                 return 0;



Mike Guthrie
Technical Team
Nagios Enterprises, LLC
Email:  mguthrie at

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