Nagios tinderbox - still using old CVS snapshot

Bernd Arnold bernd_a at
Sun May 1 17:04:21 CEST 2011

Hi Ton,

I'm still using the same script for doing the Nagios tests 
on my tinderboxes. After a long time, I had a look into this 
script today. The snapshot tgz file is still fetched from

After extracting the tar file, the Changelog was last 
modified in January 2011:

 $ ls -l /tmp/nagios-HEAD/Changelog
 -rw-r--r-- 1 nagios nagios 37186 2011-01-21 04:24 /tmp/nagios-HEAD/Changelog

In SVN, the Changelog file was last modified on April 18th.

(No output from find /tmp/nagios-HEAD -mtime -95, 
so no files modified the last 95 days)

My new script looks like this (the natty and maverick nightly 
tinderboxes only, currently):

 wget -O nagios-HEAD.tar.gz ''
 tar -xzf nagios-HEAD.tar.gz
 mv trunk/ nagios-HEAD/
 cd nagios-HEAD
 cd ..
 rf -rf nagios-HEAD/ nagios-HEAD.tar.gz

Is there a nightly tar file created from the Subversion source? 
Unfortunately, simply using 
didn't do the trick :-)

Could you please adjust

I've put contacts of "admin" and "dev00" boxes on Cc. You're 
using the CVS snapshot too?


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