Using utils.h within executables written in the C language

Marc Powell marc at
Tue Mar 16 18:46:18 CET 2010

On Mar 16, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Mohammed Murphy wrote:

> Hey Marc et al,
> Thanks for the speedy response. I should start by saying I am running 
> the latest VM trial release of NagioXI. I do not know if that is 
> significant

Maybe, but not likely for what you're asking. We don't support that here though so I can't say for certain.

> or not but I can say that in the libexec folder (which I 
> think you were referring to) which contains all the plugins, there is no 
> plugins folder.

Download the source code of the plugins at That's what I was referring to and where you'll find it.

> Also, for the second point, if I am just "including" utils.h from my C 
> application source code, does that mean I need to upload my source code 
> to Nagios and compile it on the Nagios server (so that utils.h is 
> accessible)? Apologies if this is a novice question.

Yes, or you need to make utils.h and it's includes accessible on the machine you are compiling on.


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