Profiling of nagios

Markus.Almroth at Markus.Almroth at
Mon Feb 2 13:45:58 CET 2009

We run Nagios on a VMWare-instance. 

Currently we have 564 hosts and 5153 service checks running and I'm starting to see some performance issues which seems to be "untweakable". The CPU is not running on 100%, så it should be possible to get some more out of it. 

Problem is, as you probably know, Nagios forks quite a lot which messes upp things for gprof.

Have you guys done any tweaking using chdir or something like that to avoid gmon files to be overwritten? Do you have a patch?

I was thinking of doing some ifdefs and macros to put by the fork calls to chdir, but if you allready have a solution it would be a waste of time. A patch maybe? :-)

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