minor nsca license nit

Michael Thomas thomas at hep.caltech.edu
Fri Mar 21 00:13:16 CET 2008

I'm preparing a package for nsca for distribution with Fedora, and ran 
into a small nit with respect to the license.  Fedora is getting pretty 
picky about having accurate licensing information for packages, so I was 
hoping that someone here could clear this up.

All of the *.c and *.h sourcce files for nsca claim to be valid for 
GPLv2 and later, except for nsca.c and send_nsca.c which simply say:
  * License: GPL v2
That is, these two files omit the 'or (at your option) any later 
version' clause.

Is the intended license for nsca 'GPLv2 only', or 'GPLv2 or later'?  Are 
there any upcoming releases planned that might be able to include this 



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