ndo2db oracle, parameter binding

David Schmidt david.schmidt at univie.ac.at
Fri Jul 11 11:55:28 CEST 2008

Hello Developers,

I am making quite good progress with ndoutils for oracle. While it is 
fully functional since few months I am now improving performance by 
binding parameters of the SQL Statements.

One problem is how to call the methods from the ndo2db source (I 
encapsulated most of my code in a separate static library)

The mysql methods are called in src/db.c with a simple 
ndo2db_db_query(char *buf) which is in turn forwarded to 
mysql_query(mysql_connection_handle, buf)
Around the function call to mysql_query() or in my case ora_oci_query() 
happens some error handling and thats the reason why I cannot simply 
call different methods with different argument lists (one for each 
parameter bound statement).

Since I have to change original code I ask for pointers how to do this. 
My approach would be passing a void **data and then dispatching in my 


Input or Feedback is highly appreciated!



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