Empty Hostgroup Error

Caylan Van Larson i at caylan.net
Wed Jul 2 15:09:44 CEST 2008

Running three datacenters with master nagios at one, and two slave  
instances sending passive checks.  The master host has separate  
directories for each of the 3 locations host configs.  Each remote  
location has it's host configs rsynced out.  Problems are arising from  
empty hostgroups on the slaves.

The "empty" slave configs look like this:

define hostgroup {
         hostgroup_name  NetezzaNode
         alias           Netezza Node

define service {
     use                 ssh
     hostgroup_name      NetezzaNode
...10 more services here...

Master reloads fine because a few hosts become members of the  
NetezzaNode hostgroup.

Slave reloads with:
Error: Could not expand hostgroups and/or hosts specified in service  
(config file '/usr/local/nagios-3.0/etc/templates/netezza.cfg',  
starting on line 126)

The interim solution I'm using is "--exclude *nosync*" to the rsync  
reload script and then rename netezza.cfg to netezza.nosync.cfg.  What  
I'd like is the ability to fly with services that gracefully nullify  
when bound to an empty hostgroup.

Does this look like a bug to ya'll?


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