Release of n2rrd-1.3.2RC1 ...

Badri Pillai badri at
Wed Jan 30 15:43:11 CET 2008

Hi all,

FYI info, today released n2rrd 1.3.2RC1

from changelog:
1.3.1 -> 1.3.2RC1
       1)  patches from wish list
                1.1) Service Maps is checked first, this way you can
simulate a rewrite or really map service-name to some other string.
                     this should not affect your previous installations
                1.2) introduction of new variable name
"TEMPLATE_NAME_AT_BEGINNING" if set to "1" then the template name would
                     be the first word in service-description (field
separator '_'), e.g:
                        STATUS            : service description =
template name to look for
                        disabled(default) : xyz_abcd_template   = template.t
                        enabled           : xyz_abcd_template   = xyz.t

                1.3) some minor patches

                NOTE: nothing has changed in template search order

        2) rrd2graph.cgi when you have more then one value stored in an
RRD, e.g:
                lets take check_icmp values:
                         rta = RoundTripAverage
                         pl  = PacketLoss
                so in this case at times you may like to see only the
packet loss values and/or zoom into it!!

                Now this is possible with this version.
                        2.1) using rrdinfo checks for ds[.*].type values
and stores them
                        2.2) If there are 2 or more DS found, then below
the graph an additional link "Select DS"
                             is created, by clicking on it you open a
menu with list of DS names links PLUS
                                on top of list
                                SERVICENAME     HOSTNAME | All
                             this is a special link, to go back to
                             OR display all systems summary having

                        2.3) You may like to have a template for each DS
names separately, the following steps are followed
                             for a template search
                                2.3.1) look for in
TEMPLATES_DIR/graph/default_ds_name.t (copy dist-default_ds_name.t as
                                                will be used for all
single DS values
        If still confused have a look at
(user=guest, password=guest)
        try icmp or netstat graphs



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