NDOutils, v1.4b7: Bug - no option for trimming nagios_externalcommands

Steffen Poulsen step at tdc.dk
Tue Feb 19 16:53:20 CET 2008

> ndo2db.cfg currently does have an option for trimming service 
> checks table, but apparently not for trimming the external 
> commands table.
> In our case our master server is receiving up to 40k passive 
> checks/5 min as external commands, resulting in the mysql 
> databasefile growing by 100-200 megabytes an hour.
> We use the following workaround for now:
> #!/bin/sh
> # Workaround, no option in ndo2db.cfg for trimming the 
> nagios_externalcommands table in ndoutils 1.4b7 # Reported to 
> mailinglist medio feb 2008
> /usr/bin/mysql -unagiosuser -pnagiospw \
>   -e 'USE master_ndo; DELETE FROM nagios_externalcommands WHERE
>         unix_timestamp(entry_time) <
>    (unix_timestamp(date_add(now(), interval -30 minute))); '

FYI: Even after this, unfortunately our nagios_externalcommands table
file just kept growing anyway - seems that an additional

OPTIMIZE TABLE nagios_externalcommands

was needed to reclaim the space for re-use (we just added it as #2 sql
command in the cronjob).

Best regards,
Steffen Poulsen

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