BUG: "notification_interval" from the "serviceescalation"s is ignored/is not parsed

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Tue Sep 4 10:02:59 CEST 2007

Thanks for the concise bug-report.
When we (op5) start looking at shipping Nagios 3.x to our customers,
I'll investigate this. Unfortunately I don't have time to do so
right now, but some basic printf()-debugging could give you half
the solution.

If you *do* find out where the error is (such as "the variable
in the serviceescalation object is never parsed from config-files",
or "the variable is ignored both when writing objects.cache and
when sending notifications"), I'll have a look at it sharpish.

As of now, I don't have time to hunt bugs :-/

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

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