NRPE upgrade question / more than one kb output

Steffen Poulsen step at
Wed Nov 21 21:31:25 CET 2007

> Fra: nagios-devel-bounces at 
> [mailto:nagios-devel-bounces at] På vegne 
> af Allan Lawrie
> b) The modified nrpe daemon and send_nrpe will NOT 
> communicate with unmodified ones. The message sizes have to 
> match. 

Thanks for your feedback - that problem is the exact problem we are trying to brainstorm.

We have 1000+ hosts running vanilla NRPE installations and we would like to start upgrading them to allow for more output. We would like to have as non-intruding upgrade procedure as possible - no "big bangs" etc.

But apparently there is no way a sysadmin can upgrade a NRPE-client for itself without touching the Nagios server-config also (switch to a new check_nrpe for the host) at the same time.

I had hoped the allowed output size was implementation-specific (not enforced by design), but it seems we will have this problem every time we want to touch the output size.

I guess the first problem we face right now is to choose a buffer size that makes sense, and try to test it across our platforms (different versions of solaris/linux/freebsd mainly, but we have other nix'es as well) - there was a post mentioning there might be output limits regarding the pipe mechanisms in the os'es also. We need to choose the value that gives us the maximum output size while avoiding new related problems arising.

Anyway, this problem will probably get more attention once nagios 3 goes RTM - I know we are a bit early here.

Best regards,

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