[Patch for 2.4] make "cfg_dir=" ignore hidden files

Bjoern Beutel bjoern-beutel at arcor.de
Thu Jun 8 13:12:22 CEST 2006


when editing my Nagios configuration using Emacs, I sometimes can't restart Nagios
because it reports an error about an ill-formed .cfg file.

The reason is that Emacs creates a lock for each file that has been changed 
but not yet saved. For example, the lock for "dir/my_file.cfg" is a symbolic link 
named "dir/.#my_file.cfg". When "dir" is included by "cfg_dir=", Nagios tries 
to read the symbolic link, complains and exits. 

The patch below solves the problem by making "cfg_dir=" ignore hidden files.

Björn Beutel

diff -Naur nagios-2.4/xdata/xodtemplate.c nagios-2.4.new/xdata/xodtemplate.c
--- nagios-2.4/xdata/xodtemplate.c	2006-01-12 16:13:08.000000000 +0000
+++ nagios-2.4.new/xdata/xodtemplate.c	2006-06-08 10:39:13.000000000 +0000
@@ -385,9 +385,9 @@
-		/* process this if it's a config file... */
+		/* process this if it's a non-hidden config file... */
-		if(x>4 && !strcmp(dirfile->d_name+(x-4),".cfg")){
+		if(x>4 && dirfile->d_name[0] != '.' && !strcmp(dirfile->d_name+(x-4),".cfg")){
 			/* only process normal files and symlinks */

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