Reporting Trends on a Host Group

Ben bench at
Tue Feb 22 22:01:10 CET 2005

I do this, but I'm running Nagios 2 with the Nagios-DB stuff. Because all
the availability data is kept in SQL, it makes harvesting data for such
reports pretty easy.

Nagios-DB was designed to replace the CGI interface, but it doesn't modify 
them at all, so you could keep using them if you want, and just pull data 
out of the database when you want to run special reports.

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Winkles, William (Bill) wrote:

> All,
> I am interested in using the Nagios Reporting Trends on a host group.  I
> understand that it would take some time to generate the graphs for all of
> the hosts in the host group, but it seems better than manually doing it 1
> host at a time.
> Has anyone done this in the past?  It doesn't necessarily have to be
> reported in the web interface.  I could create the reports with an outputted
> txt or csv file.
> Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Bill

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